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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Determine Eligibility for Disablitiy and SSA Benefits

**SSA Benefits Website
description for

Disability under Social Security for an adult is based on your inability to work because of a medical condition.

To be considered disabled:
You must be unable to do work you did before and we decide that you cannot adjust to other work because of a medical condition.

Your disability must last or be expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.
 Social Security pays only for total disability.

No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability.

For adults, we use a five-step evaluation process to decide whether you are disabled under Social Security. The process considers  any current work activity you are doing, and your medical condition and how it affects your ability to work. For more information, we recommend that you read the publication, Disability Benefits (SSA Publication No. 05-10029)."

All of this information was found along with much more can be found at:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Post traumatic brain injury issues - clinicians & specialists

                                              Traumatic Brain Injury – Closed head injury
Tbi surgery basics - Opening a window in the skull  to  relieve pressure inside the skull to  drain accumulated cerebral spinal fluid and creating a window in the skull that provides more room for swollen tissues.
 Post traumatic brain injury issues

difficult decision making, balance, sleep, issues, urinary incontinence, depression, neuropathy, short term memory loss, immediate memory loss, body temp. issues, hair issues,  cognitive issues, positional vertigo, headaches/migraines, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, herniated disc.
I had to be  seen by each of the following before being released from the rehabilitation hospital after my  tbi surgery.
                                     Physiatrist, occupational therapist - helped  me to  learn and improve skills
 Physical therapist -  helped me with balance and walking
         Speech  pathologist – assisted me with verbal communication
                                 Neuropsychologist or psychiatrist -  assisted me with managed behaviors
                                                            TBI injury nurse specialist -coordinates and educates families about the injury and recovery process

Monday, March 14, 2011

TBI - Hospital Patient Treatment

There definitely were bumps and battles along the way during my hospital stay. That  is exactly what I remember  from earliest to last while admitted. 
My earliest memories of lying in the hospital bed include the following:
Note :
see post tbi care

I remember dreaming of wars, my eyes were bandaged and I was lost in battle someone leading but being I was still lost.  We finally got to the bright place and everyone was loved and at peace here. 
Note: see -
When I came out of the coma I was told that I had used sign language to say “stop Mom”.  While I was in my coma my 80 y.o. mother had been poking me and irritating me and apparently got a response while I was in my coma and my family knew that I was being bothered by her.  Everyone got a big chuckle out of my signal.  I guess I owed them one.  I was told that I had put them through alot of  emotional distress up to this point. 

When my bandages first came off of my eyes the lights were very bright and my doctor  asked me “what do you see”.  Me being me  i.e. little miss sarcasm said: “ I see dead people” quoting the Bruce Willis movie.   Again, a big chuckle at my expense from my family.....but then again I asked for it.

Next I was asked a few my math skill questions. Such as what do you get when you add 13 to 2? I answered: “ a very cheap pair of ear rings”  again laughter at my expense.

One of the final questions was "where do you live"?   Not kidding this time with my answer, scouts honor here. I answered: “Regis Philbin”!  More of the same, chuckle, chuckle, hardy, har, har…..

 I just remembered some things I’d like to pass one.  Before the bandages came off of my eyes there was a stupid, awful, irritating tube  down my throat.  This I will never ever forget!  How I hated that thing and yes I remember now they had things going up in my nose too! Double UGH!  The reason that I remember this so vividly is because I kept pulling both of them out!  No sooner would the  nose  and the throat tubes  get pulled out by me then a nurse would be back in to jam them down the nasal passages and throat.  The only way to describe it while they’re going in is  that you feel as if you are suffocating yourself and you can’t stop it.  I would sit there and start to cry which certainly doesn’t help because everything in your mouth and nose start to constrict when one doest that.  Every muscle in your nasal passage and throat have to be completely relaxed when those tubes are slid into you.
Eventually something more awful then the tubes being inserted happened to me while I was at the first hospital.  They strapped me into the bed!!! Yes, they did! They did this  so I wouldn’t be able to pull the hoses out any more.  I said that I wouldn’t.  They didn’t believe me. ( I wouldn’t have either but it was certainly worth a shot)     The worst thing about the restraints was that I had been  diagnosed with panic disorder pre-accident and took Paxil every day  for it.   One of the worst things that you can do to a person with panic disorder is restrain them .  Even medicated it made me feel like I was going crazy.  I remember screaming out into the night darkness  HELP ME!!! ANYONE HELP ME!!!  No one came, no one answered.    This was my lowest of low during my entire stay at both hospitals and I have to state that it was not accident induced, a side effect of any medication but a result of ineffective care by the staff at the hospital.  I don’t know how but they should or could have done something differently for me in this case.  It was shear terror that I felt except for one similar incident that I felt at the next hospital in which that had to restrain me in a similar yet different way.

I’m jumping way ahead here but I said I would as this incident is so similar.  At this point I was at the tbi rehabilitation facility and it was at in patient facility in which I was not permitted to get out of bed alone.  I did not see this as reasonable as I thought that I was “capable”.   Their answer to this was to put an enclosure around my bed in which I could not escape. It was like a netted cage that completely encompassed my bed. They zipped it from the outside so I didn’t have access to any opening at all unless I rang for help.  Again, as I mention beforehand I have agoraphobia and can’t be in enclosed places or restrained and this didn’t work out to well for them however.  I was to blame in their minds.  Not them for mishandling the patient.  I only wanted to walk from my bed to the bathroom at night if I had to go.  Really, restraining was not necessary.

Wheelchairs were another issue. They wanted me to push my own but I didn’t want to do it some days.  I think some nurses were just lazy.  Sorry,  but it is what it is.  To make them I tried to prove my point by wheeling myself down the hall backwards and say how  is this for a liability issue;-) Not being permitted to  walk to the bathroom at night! HA!  Who got the last laugh there?

I'm inserting an edit here as I said that I would because I remembered something else horrible in my eyes as a pt. 
When I was in  the hospital and I think that it happened as soon as I was admitted.  It  was while I was in a coma to try and get my temperature down.  This is what they did. THEY PUT ME ON ICE SHEETS/BLANKETS!! Unbelievably cold, teeth chattering for what seemed to be hours on end but I'm sure that it wasn't.  They had to to get my temperature down to a level that it wouldn't effect my brain.

 Side note: Side Affects from TBI - Cognitive, sight, memory, neurological. a list of these that are affected by tbi can be found at.

As an aside I will admit to throwing cans of soda at the nurses as they walked in my room because they had never came to take me to the restroom when I had called for assistance to the restroom.  They had  left me to do my business in bed.  This also led me to calling 911 on the telephone several times because I thought that it justified an “emergency” situation.  When my sister (caregiver) was notified of this she did not find it humorous and was angry as a hornet when she found out why I had called 911 repeatedly.  She came to the hospital at once and had a word with the head nurse.  I never had to call 911 or throw another pop .  However  my attempt for “help” was not documented as  the staffs lack of attendance.   it was once again turned around on me as being a “difficult” patient.  Where's the justice there for tbi patients?

Short Term Memory Loss & The Will to Live

I’ve always been one for trying to put the cart before the horse but I will try to keep this in as reverse chronological order as possible since that is the way that I began it.

Forgive me in advance for jumping around from incident to incident or not staying on topic.   My excuse is that I don’t have a short term memory  due to my tbi so I want to write things down before I forget them.   Short term and immediate memory loss are both the results of my traumatic brain injury. Definitions:

Blog Purpose :   Treat me like you've always treated me. "I am Me"

I am me – My family, friends and boyfriend told me “You’re not the same  fill in  my name here”. So how could I ever begin healing? If they were saying I wasn’t the same person....that I wasn't "me" when I came off of life support, out of the coma and off of the drug induced coma how was I going to convince them that I was? They were saying things to me like “Oh, you just think you’re the same, it’s a  side effect of the brain injury” I would say back to them “No, I really am me”  I would also say, “ I’m fine” they would say no “you just think that you are”.  This led to much frustration on my part and still does to this very day.  I'm a kinder me now, I don't anger as easily and I pray more.  I also don't drink any alcohol which I did do before. But let me say here that I was a nice person pre-accident.  I just don't get it. 

With the above said I don’t want readers to think that I didn’t have the most supportive network of family and friends around me at that time and following.  What everyone did for me was astounding! Beginning with my daughters.  They gave me my “WILL TO LIVE”.  I knew that I loved my daughters but I didn’t know until after  my accident how incredibly “in love” with them I was. By this I mean,  I found out that I  needed to live, to love, care, protect, provide and keep every promise that I had  ever made to them. Beginning with the biggest promise I had made prior to my accident. That promise was that I was going  to drive them 8 hours to  the beach that summer.

 The will to live for someone  other than yourself is the greatest gift that God can ever give a person and I thank God today and everyday for my 2 gifts that inspired  and willed me to live. Literally they willed me to walk out of that hospital on my own and drive them to the beach that summer!  As my youngest would say “Mom, a promise is a promise.  I kept my promise to my inspirations.  My two daughters and Gods grace saved me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a quick note;-)

                If you are starting to read my blog and I'm glad that you are. Make sure that you start at the end which is the beginning not the end.  Thank you for reading and I hope that you take something away from my experienceSearch for experience

Helmet Safety and TBI Books

In reading back over my posts, I realize that I contradicted myself. With that said I mean that I call myself “stupid” when I clearly state in the title that I do not consider myself
that at all.    Clearly stated I didn’t wear a helmet on the day of my accident. (so I was stupid pre-accident not after).  Not wearing my helmet  was the stupidest thing that I’ve ever done in my life.  Even if you are only riding your ATV to the mail box put that helmet on your head and strap it tight!   Wear a helmet for riding bicycles, skate boards,  scooters, motorcycles anything that will cause a jolt to your brain if you fall.    Adults listen to to this and make your children wear helmets  no matter what their age and you as adults must wear helmets too.  Yes even on your ATV’s.  

 What I saw while living  in FL was awful. Adults were holding baby’s/toddlers on their laps in ATV while they were mud bogging!  They need to get a babysitter for these children! ATV riding is not for babies it is an adult sport and can be a dangerous one at that.  I am not an alarmist but common sense and rules need to be followed.   Hundreds of people are injured or die every year from ATV accidents due to ignorance and or laziness.   Don’t let this happen to you or your loved one.  Prevention is the key.  Put your helmet on and make them wear theirs.   

Chances are pretty good that a helmet would have changed my life forever.  A helmet may have prevented me from losing the right part of my temporal lobe of my brain. That is what the neurosurgeon had to remove surgically after I had been flown to the hospital.  He said that I tried to kill my brain and then it tried to kill me by swelling.  I had many other injuries in addition to this one  but this was the biggest and most life altering. 

I have not read these yet but they're on my "To Do" list:
TBI Hell: A Traumatic Brain Injury Really Sucks110cc Four Wheelers 6" Tires Atvs, Spider Black

21st Century Veterans Health: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) VA Independent Study Course and Additional Material - Cognitive Problems, Living with TBI, Family Impact, Treatment

Thursday, March 10, 2011


                  I have no memory of May 23, 2003 but it will remain one of the most memorable incidents in my life. The incidents that happened on that day and the days following were to change who and what  people thought I was. Everything was never to be the same for me again as I had come to know them in my thirty-eight years of living because at that moment for only a brief time. I had stopped….living that is.

                   I didn’t know that at the time because I was unconscious. The crash was in the evening on a 4-wheeler and I was the passenger and was not wearing a helmet.  The paramedics arrived and began  apparently their rescue efforts.  I had a  a closed head injury among many other less severe life threatening injuries.  I don’t think that they knew this at the time but they did all of the right things in addition to their quick response.  They saved my life. Their quick response and stabilization of my head, neck, back, arms and legs kept me from thrashing.  I was told that I became conscious at some point during their treatment and they had to stabilize me to prevent me from causing myself more harm.

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