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Saturday, April 2, 2011

ATV Helmet Law and Statistics

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources  keeps statewide statistics on ATV accidents, 184 people were injured and 18 people were killed in ATV accidents in Pennsylvania in 2010. Most of the victims in those accidents weren't wearing helmets

There isn't a federal law for use of helmets for ATV's. Each  state has to enact their own law within their jurisdiction.  Primarily  placing the required use of helmets on young riders under  18.y.o.

 States with helmet laws require that riders and their passengers wear helmets approved by the federal Dept. of Transportation and eye protection while operating an ATV.   32 states have helmet laws, with Iowa only requiring the use of a helmet when riding on government-funded trails and parks.
  To the best of my knowledge, these states do not have any type of ATV helmet law in place and they   include:

Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont and Washington.

Before riding in an area check with the local and state government ATV riding laws. Even if it's not the law, wear a helmet it could save your life.

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